Saturday, March 17, 2007

Natural Rejection, Discrimination, Expatriation, etc

***Some of us end up in strange through the process of natural rejection and in that process we often discover more opportunities and a better life than those who were able to be accepted back home. We then end up thanking the “rejectors” for doing us the favor of rejecting us.

*** Most people do not know what they want and, often confuse the expectations of society around them with their own wishes. To them, success is not pleasing oneself, but gaining approval of others. Since values of most societies are imperfect and erroneous to begin with, blindly upholding them leads to an unhappy and wasted life. Asking oneself a very private question: “What do I want?” and listening to one’s own shocking answers
( in private, again) will put one on a strange, unconventional, but, eventually, a happy path. Provided, of course, that such desires can be fulfilled legally and without hurting others. If one becomes an international traveler and lives in many different countries, lawful and harmless realization of one’s wishes becomes very much possible.

***Traveling to poor and lawless (but safe) places is a very liberating experience. One can finally experience the joy of sloppiness and living dirty without being criticized for it. I just love not washing or shaving for a day and not wearing clean clothes. I also love rolling in hay or just walking with old boots on slimy puddles of water. How about falling asleep on the grass somewhere covering oneself with some dirty blanket? I enjoy those things and love to do them once in a while.

***There is such a thing as a safe place in a dangerous country or region. If one asks around, one will find it. But it will have one very special characteristic- there will be few tourists in that area and you will get to enjoy it to the fullest- it will be all yours. Negative news paint in a bad light areas that are much larger than the ones where peril truly resides.

When there is a war in Sierra Leone, all of West Africa gets labeled as dangerous. But Gabon is safe, and so is Cameroon and Senegal. However, because there are hostilities in the general area, few foreigners will go there. Pity! For them, that is.

Same with the island of Mindanao in the Philippines. Even Filipinos will tell you not to go there. But if you do, you will see that most of it is safe, and as long as you know where bad areas are and do not go there, you will be OK.

People in such places will be honest and truly hospitable, and unspoiled by tourism and money. Find out where safe places in dangerous regions are and go there. Use common sense though and ask around before you do.

*** Expatriation and emigrating temporarily or for very long periods can be an effective cure against discrimination of all kinds. That is why many Asian women, for one, love living in the West where they have opportunities unheard of at home. So do many oppressed social classes and lower casts of the Third World.

However, few people in the West think of escaping discrimination by going to poorer and less technologically developed countries. Too bad for them! There are many groups in the West who could benefit tremendously by leaving and going to the right place. One can, off the top of one’s head, think of Asian men in the US, Canada, etc. Asian-American men often complain that they are socially discriminated against, are seen as sexless and weak creatures and are portrayed in a caricaturesque way in the media. For many, life in the West is basically without much respect. By adding another country, such as say, Thailand and/or Vietnam, or even Mexico, to their list of places of residence, they will generally solve the problem, often as immediately as landing at the new airport. They will be treated much better, have more friends, dates and will be welcome visitors to many local homes. Their status and, therefore, self esteem will shot up. The “West” will just be a place where practical things- investments, education, loans/credit etc. can be obtained.

Many Black and Hispanic people in the US can also benefit by building a life in two or more countries. US-based Hispanics and Blacks are often very well respected, and treated extremely well in quite a few countries. Much better than in the US, at least.

The only catch is that one needs to go there with a bit of money and/ or very important and needed skills or investment capital. In any event, if one feels he/she is discriminated against, and is not treated well where one is, there is no need to develop a complex and become angry or “tough”; one needs to sit down in front of a world map and carefully consider a place where is sure to be treated better. Ask around, post on the Internet, find out how things are and how other people are doing there. One Black American man emigrated to Guyana- a very racially mixed place. It’s got its problems, but he is no longer living in anger in a big and cold Eastern city ghetto and, is not called by any bad names anymore. He is now known as just “an American” where he lives. He has also gotten himself a local girl and is presently much happier. He has fewer economic opportunities but money just isn’t everything.

Being discriminated against for whatever reason sucks. Accepting discrimination as a status quo and adjusting oneself to it is only good if you cannot live internationally. You can also be a damn hero, organize and march, but remember that changing deeply ingrained attitudes of the public takes decades, if not centuries. Have you got the time? I sure haven’t.

If you can go legally, go as soon as possible. Do what you have to do to get the money or skill- work in Iraq, become a sailor, drill and fish in Alaska. Become a doctor without frontiers. Whatever.

A life is a terrible thing to waste. And a life lived while being rejected and discriminated against because of race, religion, national origin, age, etcetera, is a wasted life. Do not waste yours. If you do proper research, you will be able to find new places where your kind is very much needed and welcome by others.

***There is an Asian proverb that goes something like this:” if a tiny flea attaches itself to the tail of a big and strong horse, it will travel a thousand miles”. If you become an English teacher, you may, in fact, become such a “flea” abroad. English teachers can go where doctors, military big shots and other VIPs go. They can become lecturers at big medicals schools, ride company jeeps into military bases in the Middle East and follow general business and political trends (horses) which will take them on long and profitable journeys around the world.

*** Every country seems to have a musical cord, as it were, a constant and unique vibration that hangs in the air. It is called” the national chord” or more loosely- “the vibe”. It is almost heard, and is also tasted, smelt and felt. Stop for a moment, sit down quietly somewhere and try and listen to it. You will soon be able to hear it (and also smell and taste it). The cord is not visible, though, so do not try to discern it with your visual organs.

***While being accepted into a new society is a joyful thing, I would caution against assimilating too much into the new environment. The more you assimilate the more the locals will start demanding that you behave like them. In countries where intellectual properties are not well valued, one will be expected to act in naïve and “non- smart” ways and keep one mouth shut most of the time. In other countries, where religions are too strict, one will have to adhere to new rules which may seem to be barbaric to you. So, the best thing, again, is following the middle way. Assimilate only as far as it is convenient to you and always maintain some kind of distance from the locals. Also, do not forget to leave the place every once in a while so that the locals have a chance miss you and welcome you back.

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